
Welcome to mirai

mirai is a multithreading library for Python that makes asynchronous computation a breeze. Built on concurrent.futures and modeled after Twitter Futures, mirai helps you write modular, easy-to-read asynchronous workflows without falling into callback hell.

What can mirai do for you? Here’s a demo for fetching the weather forecast for San Francisco with a 10 second timeout,

from mirai import Promise
from pprint import pprint
import json
import requests

url    = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast"
query  = {"q": "San Francisco", "units": "imperial"}
result = (
  Promise.call(lambda: requests.get(url, params=query))
  .onsuccess(lambda response: pprint("Success!"))
  .map(lambda response: json.loads(response.text))
  .map(lambda weather: {
    "status": "success",
    "forecast": sorted([
        "time"    : f['dt_txt'],
        "weather" : f['weather'][0]['description'],
        "temp"    : f['main']['temp'],
      } for f in weather['list']
  .handle(lambda e: {"status": "failure", "reason": unicode(e) })


You can install the library with,

$ pip install mirai